ControlaTuGobierno, A.C.
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded10/5/2020
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
Controla Tu Gobierno partners with local watershed associations to monitor the government’s management of water resources and to advocate for equitable access to clean water. They will monitor implementation of clean water treatment and sanitation access in Mexico and expand their advocacy for greater verdict and sentencing transparency by local courts. (Substrategy: Service Delivery Monitoring)
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Av. Jacarandas 54 entre Tulipán y Gladiola. Ciudad JardÃn, Ciudad de México, CP 04370, Mexico
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Controla Tu Gobierno partners with local watershed associations and women's groups to monitor the government’s management of water resources and advocate for equitable access to clean water. Controla Tu Gobierno will continue to monitor implementation of clean water treatment in Mexico state. It will also expand a new program exploring innovative citizen participation mechanisms for women's groups. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for a project to strengthen citizen participation in the conservation of water resources
Controla Tu Gobierno is a Mexican watchdog organization co-founded by two former officials from Mexico’s Federal Institute for Access to Information. This grant will support Controla Tu Gobierno to scale up a pilot project that mobilizes residents to work with government officials to ensure equitable access to clean, treated water in the watershed areas on the periphery of Mexico City.
for a strategic and financial planning consultancy
Controla Tu Gobierno is a Mexican watchdog organization that partners with community associations to monitor public infrastructure and service delivery. Over the next year, they will engage a consultant to develop a strategic plan and accompanying fundraising strategy.