Building a demographic data platform for openness, learning and transparency: Q&A with Center for Effective Philanthropy

The Hewlett Foundation is publicly releasing a new data platform that describes the racial, ethnic, and gender makeup of its U.S. grantees—a platform developed in partnership with the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP). In this interview, Kevin Bolduc, Vice President of Assessment and Advisory Services, and Della Menhaj, Associate Manager of Assessment and Advisory Services,…

Evaluating our Aid Transparency Grants Cluster: Takeaways and Reflections

The Hewlett Foundation updates our grantmaking strategies every five years to facilitate ongoing learning and adaptation, consistent with our commitment to outcome-focused philanthropy. The foundation’s transparency, participation, and accountability (TPA) strategy reached the five-year mark in 2020 and we kicked off the strategy refresh in late 2020. We are now at the stage of making…

Evaluation: The role of ‘re-granters’ in advancing a more inclusive and collaborative conservation movement

Re-granting or intermediary organizations—frequently used in philanthropy—are “mission-driven organizations that aim to more effectively link donors (individuals, foundations, and corporations) with organizations and individuals delivering charitable services.” (That’s a definition from the experts at PEAK, the association for grantmaking professionals.) Such organizations play valuable, wide-ranging roles including campaign leadership, coalition-builder, policy expert, and capacity-builder for small and…

Reimagining a more inclusive safety net for arts workers

Last week, the Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI) released a new report called Arts Workers in California, authored by scholars at the Urban Institute and funded by the Hewlett Foundation Performing Arts Program. Like our colleagues at CCI, we have long been concerned with how we can best support not only art that matters to…

Evaluating our International Reproductive Health Strategy

Our International Reproductive Health (IRH) team kicked off a strategy refresh process back in March 2020. We began with a retrospective evaluation of Hewlett’s contributions to the IRH field over the past five years and a landscape analysis of global and regional trends in sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and related fields. Though we…

The Listening Post: New ideas in effective philanthropy

The Listening Post is a monthly email by Hewlett Foundation Vice President Fay Twersky dedicated to lifting up exceptional ideas, voices, and questions that can help all of us become more effective in our philanthropy. In each issue, Fay weighs in on a new topic, curates the latest sector resources and news, and shares what…

Refreshing our strategy to combat digital disinformation

Two years ago, the Hewlett Foundation’s U.S. Democracy Program (then, the Madison Initiative) launched a grantmaking strategy to combat digital disinformation. The premise was that disinformation posed a unique challenge to U.S. democracy, and we should move quickly to learn more about the impact of this problem and to assess solutions to counter it. Because…

Understanding Disinformation Solutions Landscape

Social media sites have increasingly become a primary source of news for Americans but there remain concerns about the quality of information from social media sites. In this report, Kelly Born explores the problem of disinformation, its origins, and the characteristics that make it distinctive from past propaganda challenges. Born also examines the potential impact 

Building bipartisan relationships in Congress

The importance of human connection has come into abrupt focus with the coronavirus pandemic’s stay-at-home orders over the last month. People are finding ways to overcome their physical isolation — singing together from their balconies, participating in video calls with extended family, and checking in on their neighbors. Members of Congress are no exception. Congress…

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