Covering Cyber: Media Coverage of Cyber Issues 2020-2023 Update

The foundation commissioned scholars at George Washington University to research the media coverage of cyber issues. The reports aimed to help the Cyber Initiative measure the impact of the grantmaking for translating cyber policy issues to broader audiences. The final report in the series analyzed coverage from July 2020 through March 2023 and identified how 

A Comparative Study of Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Education

As part of reviewing the Cyber Initiative’s impact, the foundation commissioned grantee partner the Center of Long-Term Cybersecurity to conduct a comparative study of interdisciplinary cybersecurity education and curricula. The study compiled publicly available information about a selection of 17 cybersecurity degree programs offered by our grantee partners. The study revealed important insights for university 

An assessment of our Performing Arts Program grantmaking strategies

Our 2020 strategic framework centers the role of the arts and artists in cultivating thriving Bay Area communities and establishes a wide view of what it means for the Hewlett Foundation to support a healthy arts ecosystem. It envisions our role as a supporter of a wide variety of artistic forms and cultural practices, particularly…

Principaux enseignements de l’évaluation et de l’analyse du paysage de la stratégie d’élaboration de politiques fondées sur des données probantes

Click here to read in English Depuis 2015, la Fondation Hewlett a constitué un portefeuille de subventions autour de l’élaboration de politiques fondées sur des données probantes (EIP), dans le cadre plus large du Programme Equité de Genres et Gouvernance (Gender Equity and Governance Program)¹. Ces subventions soutiennent des institutions dans le but d’aider les…

Key takeaways from the Evidence-Informed Policymaking strategy’s evaluation and landscape scan

Cliquez ici pour lire en français Beginning in 2015, the Hewlett Foundation has built a grantmaking portfolio around Evidence-Informed Policymaking (EIP), within the broader Gender Equity and Governance Program¹. These grants support institutions with the goal of helping governments — primarily in East and West Africa — to systematically use evidence to improve social and…

Resources to advance racial justice in an era of pushback

This page was last updated on April 18, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court last year issued landmark decisions in two cases — Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina — that effectively banned affirmative action in higher education. The decisions, alongside additional threats of litigation from opponents of racial justice,…

Centering Equity: Evaluating our Organizational Effectiveness program

Since 2004, Hewlett’s Organizational Effectiveness (OE) program has awarded $67 million to more than 750 grantees to support foundation grantees’ organizational strengthening needs. These grants have supported areas such as diversity, equity, and inclusion; strategic planning; communications planning; and leadership transitions — areas often not funded by other funders. With our latest evaluation, we hoped…

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