To defend, strengthen, and improve U.S. democracy: Our priorities for this year

Given the very high likelihood that certain forces will use the election to undermine and weaken our democracy, in the short term, our focus is to engage as broad a coalition as possible to increase confidence in elections and enhance the capacity of national governing institutions. That means this year we are continuing our work to defend the infrastructure and processes core to our elections and governing institutions, strengthen the connective tissues that support these infrastructure and processes, and nurture long-term approaches to improve our democracy.
What does this look like?
First of all, given our belief in strong institutions and processes as the foundations for a durable and inclusive liberal democracy, we view efforts to disrupt elections or politicize and dismantle these institutions as existential threats. Therefore, we will support organizations, across the ideological spectrum, that are defending electoral institutions and processes, mitigating efforts that use disinformation and threats of political violence to disrupt elections. In terms of governing institutions, our efforts will defend the guardrails protecting a professional and depoliticized civil service, and ensure Americans are well-served by the executive and legislative branches alike.