Teatro Visión and Salomón Santiago

“Alas y Raices (Wings and Roots)” is a new work about migration, developed through a bi-national collaboration between theater companies and community members in San Jose, California and Mexico City.
San Jose’s Teatro Visión is commissioning Mexico City-based director Salomón Santiago and his street theater ensemble, La Quinta Teatro, to create “Alas y Raices (Wings and Roots): amphibious theater about human migration.”
The piece will combinine Teatro Visión’s deep commitment to community-based participatory theater and La Quinta Teatro’s playful, large-scale work designed for both indoor and outdoor settings. Filled with La Quinta Teatro’s huge puppets and masks, whimsical costumes, audience engagement, and energetic music, the new work will be developed through community workshops and story-gathering activities in the Bay Area and Mexico City. The culminating performance, a non-verbal spectacle suitable for audiences regardless of how old they are or what language they speak, will premiere in the theater and outdoor courtyard of San Jose’s Mexican Heritage Plaza in 2021.