Urban Habitat Program
For Strategic Planning
Date Awarded5/15/2013
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for the Equalizing Regional Planning project
Urban Habitat works to advance equitable transportation, land use, and housing policies in the Bay Area. This grant will support their work to ensure the region’s land-use and transportation plan incorporates equity, environment, and jobs as high priorities, particularly for disadvantaged communities. Through its work with environmental and social justice groups, Urban Habitat aims to improve quality of life in the poorest neighborhoods, while decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution through improved public transportation and transit-oriented development.
for the Sustainable Community Strategy project
Urban Habitat works to advance equitable transportation, land-use, and housing policies in the Bay Area. This grant will support Urban Habitat's work to implement Plan Bay Area, the regional land-use and transportation planning strategy, and to ensure the next iteration of the strategy has an equity focus. Through its work with environmental and social justice collaboratives, Urban Habitat aims to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and pollution through improved public transportation and transit oriented development.