Uganda National NGO Forum

For Support Of The Learning Agenda Platform

This grant would help to promote learning rather than school enrollment as the metric of success in education in Uganda, a country that has made tremendous strides in increasing access to education but in which more than eighty percent of second graders cannot read. A consortium of organizations committed to improving learning, organized by the Uganda National NGO Forum, would work to harmonize learning assessments, promote better implementation of policies that are aimed at promoting learning, and link Uganda to international conversations about incorporating learning goals in the post-2015 global development framework.
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for support of the learning agenda platform  
This grant would help to promote learning rather than school enrollment as the metric of success in education in Uganda, a country that has made tremendous strides in increasing access to education but in which more than eighty percent of second graders cannot read. A consortium of organizations committed to improving learning, organized by the Uganda National NGO Forum, would work to harmonize learning assessments, promote better implementation of policies that are aimed at promoting learning, and link Uganda to international conversations about incorporating learning goals in the post-2015 global development framework.

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