For The Mental Health Practice Program
Date Awarded8/11/2022
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
Thinkwell will use Hewlett's $100,000 in seed funding to support the establishment of a mental health practice within the organization. Seed funding will support intensive design and scoping work over an 18-month period. Mental Health in Africa is significantly underresourced and underappreciated. And yet, mental disorders in Africa and around the world have profound negative impacts on health outcomes, economic productivity, and development. The incidence of mental disorders (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.) affects tens of millions of people in Africa, and the COVID pandemic has increased the incidence of mental disorders even further. This seed funding will help Thinkwell, an important and innovative health systems and health financing organization, to enter the space, develop their mental health strategy, and eventually crowd in additional financing from other donors and the private sector and philanthropic organizations.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for the Mental Health Practice program
Thinkwell will use Hewlett's $100,000 in seed funding to support the establishment of a mental health practice within the organization. Seed funding will support intensive design and scoping work over an 18-month period. Mental Health in Africa is significantly underresourced and underappreciated. And yet, mental disorders in Africa and around the world have profound negative impacts on health outcomes, economic productivity, and development. The incidence of mental disorders (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.) affects tens of millions of people in Africa, and the COVID pandemic has increased the incidence of mental disorders even further. This seed funding will help Thinkwell, an important and innovative health systems and health financing organization, to enter the space, develop their mental health strategy, and eventually crowd in additional financing from other donors and the private sector and philanthropic organizations.