The Teaching Channel
For Deeper Learning Labs
Date Awarded7/23/2013
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Teaching Channel, a website used by hundreds of thousands of teachers, offers more than 600 high-quality videos of excellent teaching practices. This project would create an online professional development platform that will allow teachers to watch, upload, and collaborate around video and other resources. Potentially, this will produce an innovative way to scale up professional development aligned with deeper learning and the Common Core standards.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The Teaching Channel is an online community where educators can watch, share, and learn new instructional techniques. The channel will refine and expand its professional development platform and video offerings to support greater collaboration among teachers and improve the quality of materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Providing resources for educators transitioning their practice to the Common Core will help change classroom practices to provide deeper learning outcomes for students.
for general operating support
The Teaching Channel is an online community where educators can watch, share, and learn new instructional techniques. It would refine and expand its professional development platform and video offerings to support greater collaboration among more teachers and improve the quality of materials aligned to the Common Core. Providing resources for educators transitioning their practice to the Common Core will help change classroom practices to provide deeper learning outcomes for students.
for general operating support
The Teaching Channel provides a television and Internet video showcase of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America’s schools. It would use this general support to refine and expand its video offerings and professional development platform to more fully respond to teacher needs as they begin to implement the Common Core State Standards. To do this, Teaching Channel would (1) fill gaps in its video library to address key Common Core State Standards; (2) partner with the two testing consortia to create videos, materials, and other professional development opportunities to help teachers implement the new Common Core assessments; and (3) host the teacher instructional materials and tools developed by deeper learning grantees on its platform.