The Institute for Educational Leadership
For Support Of Deeper Engagement With The Educational Policy Leadership Network
Date Awarded10/16/2019
Term23.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The mission of the Institute for Education Leadership is to equip leaders to better prepare children, youth, and families for college, careers, and citizenship. The institute’s leadership work focuses on growing and mobilizing leaders in education and related fields in order to eliminate systemic barriers in education and workforce development and to create the conditions necessary for everyone to succeed. This grant will support collaboration between the Hewlett Foundation’s grantees focusing on learning policy and the institute’s nationwide network of state-based leaders.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 310, Washington, DC, 20036, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of deeper engagement with the educational policy leadership network
The mission of the Institute for Education Leadership is to equip leaders to better prepare children, youth, and families for college, careers, and citizenship. The institute’s leadership work focuses on growing and mobilizing leaders in education and related fields in order to eliminate systemic barriers in education and workforce development and to create the conditions necessary for everyone to succeed. This grant will support collaboration between the Hewlett Foundation’s grantees focusing on learning policy and the institute’s nationwide network of state-based leaders.
for support of organizational diversity, equity and inclusion capacity to advance educational equity
The mission of the Institute for Education Leadership is to equip leaders to better prepare children, youth, and families for college, careers, and citizenship. This organizational effectiveness grant supports their internal work to deepen awareness, knowledge, skill, and capacity about educational equity. Helping our grantees become more aware, prepared and competent around internal issues of equity will ensure that their field-focused work - and the field of education more broadly - reflects the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
for support of deeper engagement with the educational policy leadership network
The mission of the Institute for Education Leadership is to equip leaders to better prepare children, youth, and families for college, careers, and citizenship. The institute’s leadership work focuses on growing and mobilizing leaders in education and related fields in order to eliminate systemic barriers in education and workforce development and to create the conditions necessary for everyone to succeed. This grant will support collaboration between the Hewlett Foundation’s grantees focusing on learning policy and the institute’s nationwide network of state-based leaders.