The Energy and Resources Institute

For The Energy Transitions Commission India

  • Amount
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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
The Energy Transitions Commission India is a diverse group of stakeholders that includes energy producers, consumers, industry associations and civil society. The Commission seeks to identify the barriers — technical, economic, and social — to a low-carbon energy transition for India. The Commission will focus on strategies to implement India’s ambitious renewable energy policies, and build consensus around 2030 goals that are consistent with a 2-degree pathway for India. The grant will support stakeholder convenings, as well as analysis on energy pathways, barriers to clean energy, and how India can meet its energy and development goals.
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for the Energy Transitions Commission India  
The Energy Transitions Commission India is a diverse group of stakeholders that includes energy producers, consumers, industry associations and civil society. The Commission seeks to identify the barriers — technical, economic, and social — to a low-carbon energy transition for India. The Commission will focus on strategies to implement India’s ambitious renewable energy policies, and build consensus around 2030 goals that are consistent with a 2-degree pathway for India. The grant will support stakeholder convenings, as well as analysis on energy pathways, barriers to clean energy, and how India can meet its energy and development goals.

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