Student Voice
For Strategic Planning And Logic Model Development
Date Awarded9/18/2018
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Student Voice is a student-led organization dedicated to developing students’ role in improving education. This organizational effectiveness grant will enable the organization to engage in strategic planning and proposal development; in particular, this grant will support development of a logic model and theory of change.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
c/o Megan Simmons P.O. Box 250629, New York, NY, 10025, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Student Voice is a student-led organization dedicated to developing students’ roles in improving education. Student Voice equips students as storytellers, organizers, and institutional partners who advocate for student-driven solutions to educational inequity. Through direct civic action, Student Voice helps students hold their schools and surrounding communities accountable to the Student Bill of Rights and prepares them to become lifelong agents of social and political change. (Substrategy: Student and Community Voice)
for leadership transition
Student Voice is a student-led organization dedicated to developing students' role in improving education. This OE grant will enable the organization to focus on board governance and development/fundraising, two key issues that have surfaced during its recent leadership transition.
for support of a deeper learning-aligned Student Bill of Rights
Student Voice is a student-led organization dedicated to developing students’ role in improving education. Student Voice will develop a Student Bill of Rights, as well as conduct related outreach and communication activities. This initiative helps make the case for goals, policies, and practices that enable deeper learning at scale and engage students in discussions about the value of deeper learning to them, which is a key component of field building.