Student Achievement Partners, Inc.
For Development Of Exemplar Instructional Units Focusing On In-depth Reading And Writing
Date Awarded11/15/2011
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
With wide-scale state adoption of the Common Core State Standards, there is an urgent need for model curricula that can show education leaders, policymakers, parents, and teachers how these more rigorous standards impact teaching and learning. Student Achievement Partners, staffed by three authors of the standards, would collaborate with our Proof Points schools to develop and refine a set of instructional units focused on in-depth reading and writing about texts. The resulting exemplars would be field tested and disseminated as open source materials.
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Grants to this Grantee
for curriculum unit development aligned with the Common Core State Standards and available as OER
Student Achievement Partners (SAP) is dedicated to raising student achievement through evidence-based work. SAP will work with Achieve, a non-profit organization, to undertake a one-year program to build district capacity to adapt and procure instructional materials aligned to college- and career-ready standards by identifying gaps in current instructional materials, supporting districts to adapt current materials, supplementing with replacement units, and building a model process for conducting this work. This grant advances deeper learning by building the capacity of educators to select instructional materials that require students to not only master content, but also learn to think critically and use content skills in ways that prepare them for the future. Additionally, this grant will bridge the foundation’s deeper learning and open educational objectives as the instructional materials generated by this partnership will be open and freely available.
for development of exemplar instructional units focusing on in-depth reading and writing
With wide-scale state adoption of the Common Core State Standards, there is an urgent need for model curricula that can show education leaders, policymakers, parents, and teachers how these more rigorous standards impact teaching and learning. Student Achievement Partners, staffed by three authors of the standards, would collaborate with our Proof Points schools to develop and refine a set of instructional units focused on in-depth reading and writing about texts. The resulting exemplars would be field tested and disseminated as open source materials.