Redstone Strategy Group
For Support Of IPPF's Performance-based Funding Implementation
Date Awarded7/17/2012
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This is the third phase of support to Redstone Strategy Group, LLC that began in 2010 to develop a performance-based funding system for the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), a core grantee of the Global Development and Population Program. With this new grant, Redstone would provide technical assistance to the Africa and South Asia regional offices of IPPF to help the Federation double service levels by 2015 and increase funding from all sources by 25 percent over the next three years.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the next phase of the Ouagadougou Partnership
Redstone Strategy Group, LLC provides strategy assistance to the Coordinating Unit of the Ouagadougou Partnership, whose focus is to increase family planning use in Francophone West Africa. This supplemental support would allow Redstone to assist the Coordinating Unit to improve communications with member countries regarding the level of funding the Partnership’s core donors are providing; coordinate country monitoring activities with the global family planning initiative "FP2020"; identify funding gaps in country family planning action plans; and build capacity in the Unit to help align donor funding with priorities outlined in country action plans.
for support of the next phase of the Ouagadougou Partnership
Redstone Strategy Group, LLC will provide technical assistance to the members of the Ouagadougou Partnership, including developing a Partnership strategy. The strategy will help the Partnership identify the most effective ways to increase the number of women using contraception in nine countries in Francophone West Africa, and represents an important step in the next phase of the collaboration. Redstone will help partners set a direction for the next several years, including defining a new Partnership governance plan, developing a process to monitor and update country family planning action plans, defining a potentially expanded role for the Partnership’s Coordinating Unit, and developing processes to track what donors are spending, which action plan activities are funded, and how civil society organizations are contributing to country plans.
for a project to strengthen the International Planned Parenthood Federation's performance culture
This grant is the third in a series of grants beginning in 2010 to Redstone Strategy Group, LLC to improve the performance culture of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, a large grantee of the Global Development and Population Program. The ultimate outcome of these three grants is to improve IPPF’s performance to allow the Federation to serve more people, supporting IPPF’s stretch goal of doubling reproductive health services by 2015. The previous two grants supported the development of a performance-based funding system for IPPF and a tool designed to evaluate and improve clinic performance within country Member Associations. With this new grant, Redstone will translate the performance tool into French and provide training to IPPF Member Associations in Francophone West Africa; as well as provide technical assistance to previously-trained Africa and South Asia IPPF Member Associations to assess progress on their performance improvement plans.