Public Conversations Project

For A Consultative Project To Support The National Campaign For The Prevention Of Teen Pregnancy In An Initiative To Reduce Unintended Pregnancies And Abortions In The United States

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for support of the Living Room Conversations project to improve bipartisan civic engagement  
Living Room Conversations (LRC), co-founded by Joan Blades of, is a new effort designed to inspire average Americans to hold "tens of thousands of meaningful conversations with friends, and friends of friends, who have differing viewpoints". LRC's goal is to empower and encourage diverse individuals and communities to promote more civil, bipartisan discourse. To do this, LRC works at multiple levels - developing and sharing best practices; building an on-line community; and recruiting high-profile individuals (and organizations) representing different perspectives to engage in visible dialogues. This grant would support LRC, a fiscally sponsored project of Public Conversations Project, to both develop a strategic plan and host an initial fundraising event.

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