National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

For The Growth And Retention Of National Board Certified Teachers

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The mission of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is to advance the quality of teaching and learning through a voluntary advanced certification process that acknowledges accomplished teaching practice within the teaching profession and larger education community. The board is focused on embedding its five core propositions and content-specific standards into the fabric of the teaching profession through the certification process and mobilizing teachers to elevate the profession. This grant will support the recruitment and retention of minority teachers in Mississippi and increase the number of Board Certified teachers in Mississippi.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website 
1525 Wilson Boulevard Suite 700, Arlington, VA, 22209, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ mission is to advance the quality of teaching and learning through a voluntary advanced certification process that acknowledges accomplished teaching practice within the teaching profession and larger education community. The board is focused on embedding its five core propositions and content-specific standards into the fabric of the teaching profession through the certification process and mobilizing teachers to elevate the profession. This is a general operating support grant. (Substrategy: Educator Capacity)
for improving teaching practice through National Board certification  
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards works to advance the quality of teaching and learning by maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do, and by managing a national credentialing system certifying teachers who meet these standards. These standards directly align with the standards that the Hewlett Foundation has identified as necessary for deeper learning. This grant will support the board to drive deeper learning for students by (a) exploring what it takes to embed accomplished teaching practices in schools and systems and (b) building an evidence base, codifying these learnings, and spreading them to more places.
for general operating support  
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ mission is to advance the quality of teaching and learning through a voluntary advanced certification process that acknowledges accomplished teaching practice within the teaching profession and larger education community. The National Board is focused on embedding its five core propositions and content-specific standards into the fabric of the teaching profession through the certification process and mobilizing teachers to elevate the profession. This is a general operating support grant. (Substrategy: Educator Capacity)

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