For Support Of Fundraising Strategy Development

This organizational effectiveness grant to MSI-US supports the US office of MSI in their ambitious plan to acquire 150,000 new donors through targeted online and mail fundraising. This is part of a broader effort at MSI to diversify its funding base in order to increase its resiliency to major shifts in bilateral funding, such as the recent reinstatement of the US's Mexico City Policy.
About the Grantee
P.O. Box 35528, Washington, DC, 20033, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of MSI's Sahel program  
MSI-United States (MSI-US) provides reproductive health services to women and men in the Sahel region of West Africa in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Senegal. Following on the success of two previous restricted grants to their regional Sahel program, this flexible program support will allow MSI-US to be responsive and innovative in their reproductive health service delivery. They have opportunities to expand to new countries and to continue to innovate in how they reach clients living in poverty and young people. MSI’s Sahel program will also focus on staff capacity and morale, which has suffered during COVID-19. This grant is aligned with the Global Reproductive Equity strategy to support the SRHR ecosystem in Francophone West Africa.

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