International Development Research Centre

For Support Of The Partnership For Evidence And Equity In Responsive Social Systems (PEERSS)

The International Development Research Centre funds research in low- and middle-income countries to promote growth and reduce poverty. This grant supports the second phase of the Rapid and Responsive Evidence Partnership. Twelve research centers from low- and middle-income countries across sub-Saharan Africa will respond to inquiries from policymakers within 30 days, helping governments scope problems, find ways to address them, and resolve implementation challenges. These institutions will also work to build bridges between evidence organizations. Through a sharing of tacit knowledge and experiences, this work will accelerate the spread of promising practices for promoting evidence use in the nonhealth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in sub-Saharan Africa. This work advances our Evidence-Informed Policymaking strategy’s goal of governments drawing on timely, relevant information to improve decisions.
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150 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 0B2, Canada
Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Partnership for Evidence and Equity in Responsive Social Systems (PEERSS)  
The International Development Research Centre funds research in low- and middle-income countries to promote growth and reduce poverty. This grant supports the second phase of the Rapid and Responsive Evidence Partnership. Twelve research centers from low- and middle-income countries across sub-Saharan Africa will respond to inquiries from policymakers within 30 days, helping governments scope problems, find ways to address them, and resolve implementation challenges. These institutions will also work to build bridges between evidence organizations. Through a sharing of tacit knowledge and experiences, this work will accelerate the spread of promising practices for promoting evidence use in the nonhealth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in sub-Saharan Africa. This work advances our Evidence-Informed Policymaking strategy’s goal of governments drawing on timely, relevant information to improve decisions.
for support of testing models for tailored guidance in care policy process in East Africa  
Building on the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) East Africa Initiative, this grant to the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) will support testing models for tailored guidance in women's economic empowerment and care policy processes. IDRC will partner with East African think tanks to rapidly produce demand-driven evidence, provide capacity strengthening, and build coalitions with women’s rights advocates to influence macroeconomic policies that will reduce and redistribute unpaid care. The project aims to generate, synthesize, and translate evidence on the care economy for gender-responsive COVID recovery efforts, specifically in Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya. (Strategy: Women's Economic Empowerment)
for capacity and gender equity strengthening at Open Data for Development Francophone West Africa  
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC), through its Open Data for Development program, will support an emerging network of civil society and government champions of open data in Francophone West Africa known as Communauté d’Afrique Francophone des Données Ouvertes (CAFDO). In phase one, a regional hub was established, two regional conferences held, and 52 microgrants for open data innovations piloted in 15 countries. In this next phase, IDRC will continue capacity strengthening for CAFDO, deepen connections with other regional hubs globally, and expand the microgrants program. IDRC will also support CAFDO and its members to better understand barriers and pilot solutions for gender equity in open data.

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