Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente
For General Support
Date Awarded3/17/2008
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for improving urban mobility policies and air quality management in large Brazilian cities
The Institute for Energy and Environment (IEMA) is the leading Brazilian organization in promoting sustainable transportation policies. IEMA’s transportation program focuses in two areas: urban mobility policies and air quality management. In mobility, given the fact that motorization in Brazilian cities is increasing rapidly as income rises, in the next two years IEMA will help municipalities to reduce individual motorized trips, improve transit systems and transit-oriented development, and implement parking reforms. A main expected result is the formal adoption by Sao Paulo of a low-carbon mobility policy aimed at reducing congestion, emissions, and criteria pollutants to levels recommended by the World Heath Organization.
for improving air quality and mitigating climate change in large Brazilian cities
The Institute for Energy and Environment (IEMA) is the leading Brazilian organization in promoting transportation public policies. IEMA would implement a transportation strategy focusing on improving air quality and mitigating climate change by reducing emissions from vehicles in key cities. Some of the expected results from this grant are: (1) that the city of Belo Horizonte implements its municipal mobility plan, becoming the first city in implementing the National Mobility Law, and serving as a model for other cities (2) the Ministry of Cities includes performance criteria, such as emission reductions, into its technical and funding requirements to develop urban mobility plans and infrastructure projects.