Institute for Popular Education

For A Bilingual Instructional Approach And Capacity Building In Schools And Communities In Mali

In the past four years, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, thousands of children in Mali have learned to read thanks to the Institut pour l’Education Populaire’s (IEP) Read, Learn, Lead program. With this grant, IEP will implement a second, three-year phase of Read, Learn, Lead. In 150 demonstration schools, IEP will deepen and extend the success of Read, Learn, Lead to cover additional subjects and later primary grades when children transition to learning in French. In an additional 2,464 sites, IEP will partner with the Malian government to guide the uptake of Read, Learn, Lead materials and approaches in government schools. The Malian and Dutch governments and the U.S. Agency for International Development will support the operational costs of piloting Read, Learn, Lead in the Malian school system.
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for a bilingual instructional approach and capacity building in schools and communities in Mali  
In the past four years, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, thousands of children in Mali have learned to read thanks to the Institut pour l’Education Populaire’s (IEP) Read, Learn, Lead program. With this grant, IEP will implement a second, three-year phase of Read, Learn, Lead. In 150 demonstration schools, IEP will deepen and extend the success of Read, Learn, Lead to cover additional subjects and later primary grades when children transition to learning in French. In an additional 2,464 sites, IEP will partner with the Malian government to guide the uptake of Read, Learn, Lead materials and approaches in government schools. The Malian and Dutch governments and the U.S. Agency for International Development will support the operational costs of piloting Read, Learn, Lead in the Malian school system.

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