
For Support Of Twaweza

Twaweza, a program sponsored by Hivos, is an ambitious effort in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to enable citizens to exercise agency, to promote greater openness and responsiveness by governments, and to improve basic learning for children. Twaweza’s main areas of work include (1) gathering data that gives voice to citizens, most notably through Uwezo, a citizen-led assessment of children’s learning; (2) gathering and generating evidence of what works in the domains of basic education and open government; and (3) using data and evidence to engage the public and policymakers for change. Twaweza has a strong commitment to sharing what it learns about citizen engagement with the broader field of transparency, participation and accountability.
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Raamweg 12, The Hague, 2596 HL, Netherlands
Grants to this Grantee
for supporting civil society engagement with the Open Government Partnership  
The Dutch nongovernmental organization Hivos hosts the Civil Society Coordination team, an independent facilitator of civil society engagement with the Open Government Partnership (OGP). By broadening and strengthening civil society networks, the Civil Society Coordination team ensures that civil society communities at the national level are better equipped and informed to push for change and to work in partnership with their governments. At the international level, the Civil Society Coordination team also liaises with the OGP Support Unit and the Independent Reporting Mechanism to ensure that civil society interests are reflected in the OGP’s governance arrangements, strategic priorities, and public statements and events.
for supporting civil society engagement with the Open Government Partnership  
With this planning grant, the Dutch nongovernmental organization Hivos will develop a multi-year strategy to enhance coordination and learning among civil society groups engaged in the Open Government Partnership. As countries participating in the Open Government Partnership make commitments to sharing more information with their citizens and encouraging greater civil society participation in public policy and oversight, Hivos will foster a strong civil society network and learning community.
for a project to support Service Delivery Indicators data uptake in Kenya  
In November 2011, the Hewlett Foundation made a grant to the World Bank Africa region to launch an innovative facility-level survey to benchmark the quality of health and education services. Data collection is now underway in Kenya, and the Service Delivery Indicators will be released in the first quarter of 2013. To ensure that the data are used for research and advocacy, Hivos proposes to launch a small-grants competition in Kenya during the coming year in which it will award and oversee ten to fifteen grants to local civil society organizations, think tanks, and journalists with compelling strategies to disseminate, interpret, or further analyze the Service Delivery Indicators. If the competition is successful, Hivos could replicate this approach in other African countries where the survey will be launched in coming years.

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