For A Project To Support Service Delivery Indicators Data Uptake In Kenya
Date Awarded11/12/2012
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
In November 2011, the Hewlett Foundation made a grant to the World Bank Africa region to launch an innovative facility-level survey to benchmark the quality of health and education services. Data collection is now underway in Kenya, and the Service Delivery Indicators will be released in the first quarter of 2013. To ensure that the data are used for research and advocacy, Hivos proposes to launch a small-grants competition in Kenya during the coming year in which it will award and oversee ten to fifteen grants to local civil society organizations, think tanks, and journalists with compelling strategies to disseminate, interpret, or further analyze the Service Delivery Indicators. If the competition is successful, Hivos could replicate this approach in other African countries where the survey will be launched in coming years.
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Grants to this Grantee
for supporting citizen-led assessments worldwide
This grant will allow Hivos to support seven organizations implementing citizen-led assessments in nine countries to improve their work and increase its visibility. Hivos will also help interested organizations in new countries to learn about and begin piloting their own work on similar assessments as a way to engage citizens in advancing an agenda for better learning outcomes.
for supporting citizen-led assessments worldwide
This supplemental grant will allow Hivos to support seven organizations implementing citizen-led assessments in nine countries to improve their work and increase its visibility. Hivos will also help interested organizations in new countries to learn about and begin piloting their own work on similar assessments as a way to engage citizens in advancing an agenda for better learning outcomes.
for the implementation of a civil society assessment of student learning in East Africa
This grant to Hivos would provide continued support to Uwezo, a nationwide, citizen-led assessment of student learning in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Uwezo is the largest annual assessment of children’s learning in Africa; in 2012 alone Uwezo tested nearly 350,000 children in about 11,000 communities. The results have sparked national, regional, and global debates about the magnitude of the learning crisis for schoolchildren. This renewal grant would support the ongoing efforts to collect, analyze, and communicate the results of the nationwide learning assessment to stimulate citizen action and oversight in education and policy reform.