
For The Pacific State Joint Power Planning And Resource Adequacy Framework Project

  • Amount
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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
More Than Smart provides technical and convening support to regulatory commissions in California, Oregon, and Washington to develop regulatory policies and market rules that lead to greater grid integration in the Western United States. These actions will lead to more renewable energy delivered to the grid at lower system cost. The project will provide technical assistance, facilitate workshops, and function as the secretariat for the three utility commissions.
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for the Pacific State Joint Power Planning and Resource Adequacy Framework project  
More Than Smart provides technical and convening support to regulatory commissions in California, Oregon, and Washington to develop regulatory policies and market rules that lead to greater grid integration in the Western United States. These actions will lead to more renewable energy delivered to the grid at lower system cost. The project will provide technical assistance, facilitate workshops, and function as the secretariat for the three utility commissions.

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