Global Integrity

For The Videoconferencing Project

A videoconferencing grant to Global Integrity will support the purchase and installation of videoconferencing systems for the OpenGov Hub based in Washington, DC. The OpenGov Hub is the location of Global Integrity’s main office and is shared with other transparency and open government NGOs. Videoconferencing equipment will facilitate communication with the organization’s recently opened Global Integrity office in Cape Town, South Africa and will also be a shared resource available to other organizations at the OpenGov Hub, including Hewlett grantee the Kiwanja Foundation as well as Development Gateway, which receives Hewlett support via a grant to the College of William and Mary for the AidData project.
About the Grantee
1100 13th Street, NW Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20005, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for executive transition  
Global Integrity works toward open and accountable governance in countries and communities around the world by helping partner organizations improve their adaptive learning. This project will support the board and staff during a leadership transition. (Substrategy: Inclusive Governance)
for general operating support  
Global Integrity works toward open and accountable governance in countries and communities around the world by helping partner organizations improve their adaptive learning. Global Integrity explores whether and how adaptive learning can shift the power dynamics and incentives that drive the behavior of government officials and shape patterns of governance. (Substrategy: Fiscal Governance)
for a project to strengthen managerial, governance, and communications infrastructure  
Global Integrity plans to use the Organizational Effectiveness funds to support a consultancy to help assess and improve systems, processes and practices for executive leadership, board recruitment and communications. The consultancy will help the organization to learn about, establish and utilize more effective systems and processes to improve management practices, recruit new board members, and evolve their communication infrastructure.

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