Gesoc, Agencia para el Desarrollo

For Assessing Federal Evaluation Policies That Are Linked To Performance-based Public Spending

This grant will enable Gesoc to continue tracking the efficiency of subsidy programs by updating its rankings on the design and performance of subsidy programs. Gesoc’s ultimate goal is for performance information to be incorporated into budget efficiency analysis and decision making. The organization will also develop, with support from partners such as the Mexican technology group CitiVox, IT applications to disseminate the data they produce in low-cost, user-friendly formats appealing to a wide array of audiences.
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Presidente Carranza 133 Col. Villa Coyoacan Del. Coyoacan, Mexico, D.F., 04000, Mexico
Grants to this Grantee
for assessing federal evaluation policies affecting performance-based public spending in Mexico  
The core of Gesoc's work is to make hard data available to evaluate the design of subsidy programs vis-à-vis priorities, goals, and target populations. Its work has underscored the complexities of incorporating evaluation results for mid-course corrections into expenditure policies, as well as the importance of fostering an open, transparent marketplace for evaluators. This renewal grant would allow Gesoc to track the efficiency of subsidy programs by updating its indices measuring quality of evaluations in terms of design and performance. In collaboration with other partner organizations-some of them Hewlett Foundation grantees-Gesoc plans to assess public expenditure efficiency during the current administration.
for assessing federal evaluation policies that are linked to performance-based public spending  
This grant will enable Gesoc to continue tracking the efficiency of subsidy programs by updating its rankings on the design and performance of subsidy programs. Gesoc’s ultimate goal is for performance information to be incorporated into budget efficiency analysis and decision making. The organization will also develop, with support from partners such as the Mexican technology group CitiVox, IT applications to disseminate the data they produce in low-cost, user-friendly formats appealing to a wide array of audiences.

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