DKT International

For General Operating Support

DKT International uses commercial marketing techniques to promote and distribute contraceptive and safe abortion products in 19 countries, extending the availability of these products beyond the clinical setting. This flexible support will allow DKT International to expand the marketing of contraceptives—particularly long-term methods—to doctors, nurses, midwives, and consumers through pharmacies, informal drug shops, and franchised private clinics. This grant also provides support for DKT International to enter new markets such as the Sahel region in Africa.
About the Grantee
1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, #800, Washington, DC, 20036, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of DKT's work in Kenya and Uganda  
This grant to DKT International will provide core support to its operations in Kenya and Uganda, where it is one of the leading contributors to increasing access to contraception, safe abortion, and postabortion care products in the private sector. This grant will increase distribution and uptake of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health products across both countries with the goal of contributing to improved gender equity by empowering more individuals to exercise their right to sexual and reproductive health products and services. In the near term, DKT will contribute to this goal by expanding the geographic reach of its products, building the capacity of 5,000 health care workers through training and medical detailing; improving partnerships with health care providers; and reaching millions of women, men, and young people with messaging and information about their products. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)
for support of DKT's Francophone West and Central African program  
This grant supports DKT International’s Francophone West/Central Africa program, which is increasing private sector availability of contraceptive and safe abortion technologies. These technologies and products are sold at a significantly lower price than products currently on the market in Francophone West and Central Africa, increasing the range of products that women can buy. Because many women in the region do not have the resources to purchase contraceptives or safe abortion products in the private sector, DKT’s program also works with governments to improve the supply of similar products in the public sector. This grant is centrally aligned with the Global Reproductive Equity strategy.
for family planning social marketing in Nigeria  
DKT has recently decided to start a program in Nigeria, where the current low level of use of family planning products has remained unchanged for more than ten years. The products will be distributed primarily through commercial channels and promoted widely using mass media and promotional activities in the community. DKT is investing $1 million of its own resources to start the Nigeria program; Hewlett funds will extend the reach of this program and help DKT attract other donor funding. This project grant reflects the Global Development and Population Program’s new emphasis on increasing the use of family planning services in countries such as Nigeria, where the current rate of use has recently stalled or plateaued.

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