Clean Energy States Alliance

For The Offshore Wind Development Initiative

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Retiring a large portion of the coal fleet by 2020 means that we need to quickly expand vast renewable resources, particularly in places where we are also hoping to remove existing coal from the power grid. About 30 percent of the coal that we hope to see retired will be near the eastern seaboard. This grant, made in partnership with the Energy Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, would support a collaborative leadership effort among Atlantic-coast state officials, federal agencies, industry leaders, and conservation groups, with the goal of accelerating offshore wind development.
About the Grantee
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for the Offshore Wind Development Initiative  
Retiring a large portion of the coal fleet by 2020 means that we need to quickly expand vast renewable resources, particularly in places where we are also hoping to remove existing coal from the power grid. About 30 percent of the coal that we hope to see retired will be near the eastern seaboard. This grant, made in partnership with the Energy Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, would support a collaborative leadership effort among Atlantic-coast state officials, federal agencies, industry leaders, and conservation groups, with the goal of accelerating offshore wind development.

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