Asian Pacific Environmental Network

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
The Asian Pacific Environmental Network helps low-income Asian and Pacific Islander American immigrant and working communities to secure a clean and healthy environment. The organization mobilizes communities in the Bay Area through grassroots organizing, policy education, and civic engagement to advance California and the country on a path toward environmental and climate justice. With this support, the network will pursue efforts to ensure low-income communities have access to low-cost renewable energy and are trained to become local leaders on issues affecting housing, jobs, and transportation.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website 
426 17th Street Suite 500, Oakland, CA, 94612, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for an individual giving plan  
An organizational effectiveness grant to Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) will help them diversify their revenue stream through the development of an individual donor program. While the organization has a strong fund development strategy with respect to foundations, this grant will allow them to strengthen support from individual donors as well as build capacity within their donor management system. Specifically it will support APEN to hire a consultant who will provide fundraising training to development and executive staff. The funds will also help APEN revise their online donor system and train staff to use it effectively for fundraising purposes.
for general operating support  
The Asian Pacific Environmental Network helps low-income Asian and Pacific Islander American immigrant and working communities to secure a clean and healthy environment. The organization mobilizes communities in the Bay Area through grassroots organizing, policy education, and civic engagement to advance California and the country on a path toward environmental and climate justice. With this support, the network will pursue efforts to ensure low-income communities have access to low-cost renewable energy and are trained to become local leaders on issues affecting housing, jobs, and transportation.
for general operating support  
The Asian Pacific Environmental Network helps low-income Asian and Pacific Islander American immigrant and working communities to secure a clean and healthy environment. The organization mobilizes communities in the Bay Area through grassroots organizing, policy education, and civic engagement to advance California and the country on a path toward environmental and climate justice. With this support, the network will pursue efforts to ensure low-income communities have access to low-cost renewable energy, affordable housing, and green jobs.

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