Rakesh Rajani to Join the Board of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

MENLO PARK, Calif.— The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation today announced that Rakesh Rajani, an expert in international development, will be joining the Foundation’s board of directors. Rajani is the founder and head of Twaweza, an East African-based civil society initiative that works to promote change in Eastern Africa through citizen partnerships and governmental accountability. 

Hearing from Grant Recipients

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Philanthropy works best when there is a candid and respectful relationship between donor and recipient. To that end, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has expanded the ways those who receive its grants can express themselves to the Foundation. A new addition to the Foundation’s website gathers in one place several 

Thomas C. Schroeder to Join Hewlett Foundation as Associate General Counsel

Thomas C. Schroeder, an attorney who is an expert on the laws governing foundations and charities, has been named associate general counsel for The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Foundation officials announced today. Since 2006, Schroeder has worked as an associate attorney at the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, in Seattle, Washington, where 

Selling Learning

Newspaper headlines from Kenya and Tanzania over the past year tell the story: “Alarm as East African Pupils Learn to Remain Illiterate,” says one. “Kenya Suffers Quality of Education Setback,” adds another. “Shocking Report on Literacy Levels in Schools,” offers a third. Paradoxically, for Sara Ruto, East African regional manager of Uwezo, an education reform 

“Foundations”: A Q&A with Chloe O’Gara, Global Development and Population Program Officer

Chloe O’Gara is a program officer in the Global Development and Population Program. She helps direct the Hewlett Foundation’s grants to improve the quality of education that children receive in the developing world. Before joining the Foundation, O’Gara served as the associate vice president for education and child development at the Washington, D.C., offices of 

Transitions: September 2011

Ruth Levine – Global Development and Population Program Director Ruth Levine, a development economist and expert in global health and education, has joined the Foundation as the director of its newly integrated Global Development and Population Program. Previously, Levine was a deputy assistant administrator in the Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning at the U.S. 

Emiko Ono to Join Hewlett Foundation as Officer in the Performing Arts Program

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Emiko Ono, a veteran California arts grantmaker and administrator, will join The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as an officer in the Performing Arts Program, Foundation officials announced today. Ono comes to the Foundation from the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, where she managed a portfolio of 350 grantees from all 

A Note from Hewlett Foundation President Paul Brest

Colleagues, I’m writing to you to let you know about a forthcoming change at the Hewlett Foundation and for me personally. Next summer I will turn 72, the age at which Hewlett Board members (including the president) have traditionally retired. After twelve years as president, I am planning to leave the Foundation to return to 

“Foundations”: A Q&A with Paul Brest, President

Hewlett Foundation President Paul Brest is a long-time advocate of increasing the effectiveness of grantmaking through the use of strategic or outcome-focused philanthropy. It is an approach that has steadily gained currency in recent years with a growing number of organizations, publications, and research initiatives dedicated to its study and practice. Here Brest explores some 

“Foundations”: A Q&A with Ruth Levine, Global Development and Population Program Director

Ruth Levine is director of the Hewlett Foundation’s Global Development and Population Program. A development economist and expert in international health and education, Levine is overseeing the integration of the Foundation’s Global Development and Population programs. Levine comes to the Foundation from the U.S. Agency for International Development. Here she talks about how her career 

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