La Fondation Hewlett accueille Tendisai Chigwedere en tant que chargée de programme dans le cadre du programme Equité des Genres et Gouvernance

Click here to read in English | Haga click aquí para leer en Español La Fondation William et Flora Hewlett a annoncé que Tendisai Chigwedere rejoindra la fondation en tant que chargée de programme dans le cadre de son programme sur l’Equité des Genres et la Gouvernance. Tendisai apportera son appui au portefeuille de subventions de la 

Hewlett Foundation Welcomes Tendisai Chigwedere as a Program Officer in the Gender Equity and Governance Program

Cliquez ici pour lire en français | Haga click aquí para leer en Español The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation announced that Tendisai Chigwedere will join the foundation as a program officer in its Gender Equity and Governance Program. Tendisai will support the Inclusive Governance portfolio of grants to ensure governments are responsive to their people’s needs and 

La Fundación Hewlett da la bienvenida a Tendisai Chigwedere como Oficial de Programa en el Programa de Equidad de Género y Gobernanza

Click here to read in English | Cliquez ici pour lire en français La Fundación William y Flora Hewlett anunció que Tendisai Chigwedere se unirá a la fundación como oficial de programa en su Programa de Equidad de Género y Gobernanza. Tendisai apoyará el portafolio de subvenciones de Gobernanza Inclusiva, el cual busca garantizar que los gobiernos 

Hewlett Foundation Names General Counsel Elizabeth Peters as Interim President

MENLO PARK, CALIF. — The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation announced today that it has named its longtime general counsel and corporate secretary, Elizabeth Peters, as interim president. Peters will take on the role in January and remain until the presidential search for a successor to departing president Larry Kramer is complete. The foundation announced 

The Hewlett Foundation’s Support of American Compass

Last week, The Daily Beast published a misleading article about the Hewlett Foundation’s support of a grantee organization, American Compass, that was subsequently picked up by The New Republic and shared on social media in posts that were even further from the truth. Both The Daily Beast and The New Republic imply that we sought 

Announcing the Hewlett Foundation’s Racial Justice Advisory Council

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our Racial Justice Advisory Council, which is comprised of leaders from the racial justice community along with senior staff from the Hewlett Foundation. The advisory council is an essential component of Hewlett’s racial justice strategy — helping the foundation identify emergent needs in 

Major Philanthropies Launch “BuildUS” Fund to Accelerate Implementation of Historic Federal Investments

The pooled fund will focus grantmaking on local, state, and federal efforts to achieve a low-carbon, worker-centered, equitable economy  WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 26, 2023) — Today, a group of major philanthropies announced the launch of BuildUS, a pooled fund to accelerate America’s transition toward a worker-centered, cleaner, and more equitable economy. The fund will support 

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