Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded3/21/2012
Term32.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
The Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) promotes the creation, exhibition, and distribution of new films and videos that address the vital social justice issues that concern queer women of color and their communities, authentically reflect their life stories, and build community through art and activism. The organization reaches more than 2,000 people locally through its filmmaker training program, annual film festival, and curatorial services—as well as thousands more nationally and internationally. During the grant period, QWOCMAP plans to continue to develop online filmmaker training modules, increase income from its distribution program, and boost festival attendance.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) creates, exhibits, and distributes new films that authentically reflect the lives of queer women of color. Its wide-ranging programs serve a pan-ethnic, multiracial, gender diverse community, exemplified by its annual Queer Women of Color Film Festival, which typically premieres more than 30 films each year. Support for QWOCMAP aligns with the Performing Arts Program’s Communities strategy.
for a capacity building project
Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) is a training ground, incubation space, and exhibition and distribution platform for new film that addresses social justice and develops community through arts activism in a traditionally underserved population. QWOCMAP programs empower creative women in the Bay Area, developing their artistic voices, providing opportunities to develop film projects and screening the work with other films from around the globe. This Organizational Effective award for QWOCMAP will support efforts to develop a strategic communications plan, incorporating a new data management system and building a platform for online distribution.
for general operating support
The Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project (QWOCMAP) fosters and incubates the filmmaking efforts of a collective of women whose work addresses social justice and arts activism, and fosters the development of new voices in an historically under-recognized, but vitally integral, part of our community. Through the production, exhibition, and distribution of new films, QWOCMAP’s work invests in the fertile creative community of queer women, and cultivates learning and understanding in the greater community. Recognized for its annual film festival, which is offered free, QWOCMAP’s programming also includes no-cost intensive training workshops. Continued investment in QWOCMAP would strengthen its Filmmaker Training Program and leverage broader funding support to strengthen its organizational capacity.