Puyallup School District, WA

#GoOpen is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education supported through a partnership with ISKME. The #GoOpen Network is a resource that is voluntary to utilize and exists only to assist school districts that are interested in learning about, developing, or gaining access to Open Educational Resources.

PK-12 OER Learning Network

PreK12 organizations – including state and district leaders, researchers, and nonprofits – that support OER work in states and districts.

Oregon Department of Education

#GoOpen is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education supported through a partnership with ISKME. The #GoOpen Network is a resource that is voluntary to utilize and exists only to assist school districts that are interested in learning about, developing, or gaining access to Open Educational Resources.

Openness Community Group

The Openness Community Group focuses on the emergence and adoption of open technologies, practices, policies, and initiatives, and provides a forum for information gathering and idea exchange for all issues related to the development and use of open resources in academic (teaching and learning) and administrative environments.

OpenED-Manitoba Initiative

Campus Manitoba launched the Manitoba Open Textbook Initiative in 2015. The goal of the initiative is to make higher education more accessible by reducing students costs through the use of openly licensed textbooks in Manitoba.

Open Textbook Alliance

The Open Textbook Alliance is a nationwide coalition of student government leaders who are working to bring open textbooks to college campuses.


The Open 2020 Working Group, comprised of thought leaders and educational innovators and funders, works to envision a set of new, ambitious, and practical recommendations for the future of open learning. As the teaching and learning landscape continues to evolve,the Open 2020 Working Group will identify opportunities for open learning resources and new open technologies 

Open Professionals Education Network

The Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN) provides free support and technical assistance to all grantees of the $2 billion Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College & Career Training (TAACCCT) grant program from the U.S. Department of Labor.

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