World Bank

For Engagement Of Civil Society Organizations And The Women, Business And The Law Data And Analyses

Women, Business and the Law (WBL) is a program of the World Bank that systematically documents and measures legal and regulatory barriers to women’s economic empowerment around the world. The program will build upon the previous grants by strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations in sub-Saharan Africa to understand and use information from WBL to advocate for gender equality reforms. It will also deepen engagement at the local level and on context-relevant specific issues, and support peer-to-peer knowledge exchange events among policymakers and civil society organizations.
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1818 H Street, NW, Mail Stop H10-1004, Washington, DC, 20433, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for expanding consultations with civil society to inform the WBG Gender Strategy update  
The World Bank Group (WBG) is an international financial institution that provides low-cost loans and grants to developing countries around the world as well as research, analysis, and technical advice. The World Bank Group’s twin goals are to eradicate extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. This grant will support the World Bank’s gender group global unit to undertake a more robust, inclusive, and transparent civil society consultation process for the World Bank Group Gender Strategy update. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)
for strengthening evidence-based policymaking for gender equity  
The World Bank Group is an international financial organization that provides low-cost loans and grants to developing countries around the world, as well as policy advice, research and analysis, and technical advice. The World Bank Group’s twin goals are to eradicate extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. This grant will expand the evidence base on gender gaps and promote gender-informed policy design and implementation in Africa via bringing a gender lens to fiscal policy and using gender disaggregated data to inform the design of government policies to improve women’s economic opportunities. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)
for the World Bank Group Partnership Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals  
This grant will support the World Bank Group’s Partnership Fund for the Sustainable Development Goals’ fourth call for proposals that aim to accelerate low-carbon development by focusing on the highest-emitting systems in China, Africa, and Southeast Asia: energy, manufacturing, transport, agriculture, land use, and cities. (Substrategy: China National Policy)

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