Wilderness Society

For Securing Lasting Conservation Protections And Broadening Voices For Western Public Lands

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
This renewal grant to the Wilderness Society will support its efforts to secure lasting protection for roadless, ecologically important public lands. These efforts include initiatives that better manage off-road vehicle use; policies that reduce the extent and impact of fossil energy development including oil, gas, and coal; and strategies that promote the appropriate siting of renewable energy projects on public land. To achieve these goals, the society will develop and apply scientific, legal, and policy analysis tools; provide advice and support to a broad array of organizations working toward similar goals; and educate policymakers and the press.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1801 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC, 20036, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
The Wilderness Society’s mission is to unite people to protect America’s wild places. This Western Conservation grantee organization works to make public lands a solution to the climate and extinction crises — for everyone — and grow an inclusive conservation movement to ensure all people benefit equitably from public lands. Guided by science, the Wilderness Society applies policy analysis, outreach, and communications expertise to protect and defend nature for all. It works toward enduring conservation gains that transcend politics by building meaningful relationships nationally and in communities. (Substrategy: Advance Conservation Protections)
for public lands protection opportunities  
Many administrative actions to protect public lands were delayed until after the 2012 elections. These include potential new national monument designations and whether to lease sensitive wildlife habitat for oil and gas development. This grant to The Wilderness Society would support the organization's efforts to secure protective decisions for ecologically important public land during the post-election season. The Wilderness Society is the only national conservation organization whose sole focus is the nation's public lands. The Society will use communications, outreach and organizing and public education as tools to help accomplish its protection goals.

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