University of Ottawa

For A Dialogue Between Indian And Pakistani Policy Makers On Nuclear Policy Issues

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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
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A grant to the University of Ottawa would support an unofficial dialogue among senior Indian and Pakistani former policymakers to discuss key issues in their bilateral relationship and the role of nuclear weapons in that relationship. In particular, this dialogue will seek to elicit deeper thinking than is currently taking place within the Indian and Pakistani governments-or any other external dialogues-about how India and Pakistan will need to respond if President Obama succeeds at pursuing the agenda that he laid out in April 2009 in Prague. Ultimately, the group will seek to influence the statements made and policies developed by the Indian and Pakistani governments over the coming few years and to promote, in particular, a set of policies that will help to promote stability in South Asia as well as South Asia's engagement with the broader disarmament efforts taking palce worldwide.
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for a dialogue between Indian and Pakistani policy makers on nuclear policy issues  
A grant to the University of Ottawa would support an unofficial dialogue among senior Indian and Pakistani former policymakers to discuss key issues in their bilateral relationship and the role of nuclear weapons in that relationship. In particular, this dialogue will seek to elicit deeper thinking than is currently taking place within the Indian and Pakistani governments-or any other external dialogues-about how India and Pakistan will need to respond if President Obama succeeds at pursuing the agenda that he laid out in April 2009 in Prague. Ultimately, the group will seek to influence the statements made and policies developed by the Indian and Pakistani governments over the coming few years and to promote, in particular, a set of policies that will help to promote stability in South Asia as well as South Asia's engagement with the broader disarmament efforts taking palce worldwide.

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