University of Johannesburg

For Support Of The African Evidence Network

This grant will support the secretariat of the Africa Evidence Network (AEN), which brings together evidence producers, users, and intermediaries. The network aims to share information, increase understanding, and raise awareness about the importance of evidence to improve decision making in Africa. This grant will enable the AEN to develop its strategic plan; refine its consultation, advisory, and governance structures; and broaden its funding base.
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PO Box 524, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa
Grants to this Grantee
for building and supporting the Africa Evidence Network  
This grant will support the secretariat of the Africa Evidence Network, which works to increase the use of evidence in decision making. The network brings together evidence producers, users, and intermediaries to share information, collaborate, build African interest in and capacity for evidence-informed decision making, and advocate for African voices and participation in the evidence-informed decision making movement. During this grant period, Africa Evidence Network will also increase member participation in governance of the network.
for leadership development and improvement of operational systems for the Africa Evidence Network  
The Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE) at the University of Johannesburg works to increase the production, usefulness, and use of research evidence. With this grant, ACE staff will work with a coach to strengthen their capacity for strategic leadership, and to improve operations.
for building and supporting the Africa Evidence Network  
This grant will support the secretariat of the Africa Evidence Network, which brings together evidence producers, users, and intermediaries. The Network aims to share information, increase understanding, and raise awareness about the importance of evidence to improve decision making in Africa. This grant will also enable the Network to develop its strategic plan and refine its consultation, advisory, and governance structures.

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