Twaweza East Africa

For General Operating Support

Twaweza works with citizens to exercise agency and with governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. Through policy research and engagement in multilateral initiatives like the Open Government Partnership, Twaweza convenes citizens and policymakers to co-create solutions to specific issues such as violence against women, student absenteeism, and access to drinking water. Twaweza works to deepen its media partnerships, produce gender-disaggregated data to reveal the differential impacts of policies between men and women, and facilitate policy dialogue between citizens and public officials about civil rights. (Substrategy: Service Delivery Monitoring)
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15 Uganda Avenue, Off Karume Road Oysterbay, Near Unicef Tanzania P.O. Box 38342, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Twaweza works with citizens to exercise agency and with governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. Through policy research and engagement in multilateral initiatives like the Open Government Partnership, Twaweza convenes citizens and policymakers to co-create solutions to specific issues such as violence against women, student absenteeism, and access to drinking water. Twaweza works to deepen its media partnerships, produce gender-disaggregated data to reveal the differential impacts of policies between men and women, and facilitate policy dialogue between citizens and public officials about civil rights. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for fundraising planning and feasibility studies for revenue streams, campaigns, endowment building  
Twaweza East Africa oversees work in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda that promotes citizen agency, open governance, and inclusive learning for all children. With this grant, they will identify opportunities to diversify revenue sources and establish new relationships with funders.
for general operating support  
Twaweza works with citizens to exercise agency and with governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. Twaweza’s programs include Sauti za Wananchi, Africa’s first nationally representative mobile phone survey, and Uwezo, a citizen assessment of children’s learning levels and other indicators of quality public services. Through policy research and engagement in multilateral initiatives like the Open Government Partnership, Twaweza promotes open and responsive governance in East Africa.

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