The Practice Space
For Designing OER To Develop Youth Communication Skills And Civic Engagement
Date Awarded10/5/2018
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Practice Space, a nonprofit education center dedicated to promoting effective, inclusive communication in schools and communities, will embark on a two-year curriculum development initiative. The Leaders That Listen project will document exemplars of youth voice and capture youth experiences, as the students develop communication skills to meaningfully engage and lead others. This OER curriculum, packaged as multimedia kits for educators, will showcase concrete techniques for promoting civic engagement and designing inclusive environments that support youth voice and deeper learning.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1600 Navellier Street, El Cerrito, CA, 94530, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for student voice strategic planning and wellness
The Practice Space is a community-based non-profit organization that builds youth and adult confidence, leadership, and community through communication skill development, advancing inclusion, developing empathy, and elevating underrepresented voices. With this organizational effectiveness grant, The Practice Space will a launch a strategic planning project to strengthen its business model and conduct growth planning around spreading and scaling impactful and equitable student voice programs. There is also an allocation in this grant for wellness in furtherance of the organization’s charitable purpose. (Substrategy: Content, Tools, and Services)
for supporting the design of inclusive data collection, measurement, and impact
The Practice Space is a non-profit organization that builds confidence and community through communication skill development, advancing inclusion, developing empathy, and elevating underrepresented voices. With this organizational effectiveness grant, The Practice Space will develop an approach for data collection and evidence focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. This project will build the organization's capacity to know who they serve, what practices are most effective, what impacts occur in the short and long term, and how they can prepare to incorporate evidence into their strategy for growth. (Substrategy: Content, Tools, and Services)
for general operating support
The Practice Space is a nonprofit organization for youth and adults in the Bay Area that aims to help people speak in a clear, engaging way that represents who they are and what they care about. The organization offers camps, school-based programs, private lessons, and organizational training to develop communication skills. All of their curriculum guides for teachers are available as open educational resources. These programs and resources help people of all ages be authentic, inspire positive change, address social anxieties, and feel connected to others. (Substrategies: Content, Tools, and Services; and Student and Community Voice)