Tax Justice Network Africa

For Assessing The Data And Evidence Role In Government Policies Toward Fair Tax Systems In Africa

Tax Justice Network Africa brings together more than 30 civil society groups from across 16 African countries to promote socially just taxation systems and represent African perspectives in international tax reform discussions. This grant will support a research partnership with the Institute for Economic Justice. The partners will explore whether and to what extent research has influenced (and could influence) government policies toward fair taxation in Africa, and inform advocacy strategies for civil society organizations and other stakeholders.
About the Grantee
106 Brookside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a regional growing network of 44 civil society organizations (CSOs) spread across 25 African countries. It is composed of think tanks, feminist groups, youth-led organizations, and community-based organizations, among other types of CSOs. TJNA envisions a just, prospering, self-reliant, and integrated Africa sustainably harnessing its resources to enable its people to lead a dignified life. The network advocates for pro-poor tax policies and strengthening tax systems to promote domestic resource mobilization by challenging harmful investment practices, improving international tax transparency, and restoring the sovereignty of natural resources back to African countries. TJNA’s 2021-25 strategic vision is to mobilize African citizens and challenge public institutions to influence and change policy to enable tax justice to prevail on the continent. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for growing a pan-African feminist collective to transform macroeconomic narratives and policies  
This grant is to the Tax Justice Network Africa as the fiscal sponsor for Nawi – Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective (Nawi Collective). The Tax Justice Network Africa is a growing regional network of 44 civil society organizations including think tanks; trade unions; feminists; and youth-led, faith-based, and community-based organizations spread across 25 African countries to promote socially just tax policies. The Nawi Collective is a pan-African feminist initiative launched in 2020, focused on building a community of African feminist and women’s rights organizations working on influencing, analyzing, deconstructing, and reconstructing macroeconomic policies, narratives, and understanding through an intersectional pan-African feminist lens. This grant will supplement the main grant supporting the development of the Nawi Collective, by providing increased resources to strategically influence policy spaces, build a body of knowledge, and curate spaces for reflection and learning. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)

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