Tax Justice Network Africa
For A Program To Promote More Equitable Tax Systems In Africa
Date Awarded10/17/2020
Term36.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
Tax Justice Network Africa brings together more than 30 civil society groups from 20 African countries to promote socially just tax policies and prevent illicit outflow of government revenues. In the last two years, the network used litigation and evidence-based advocacy to compel as well as encourage the governments of Kenya, Senegal, and Zambia to revisit and renegotiate their double tax avoidance agreements with Mauritius, a tax haven. These tax agreements enable companies and investors to avoid paying taxes in several African countries. The network also trained journalists and parliamentary members on tax justice issues to enable them to play their watchdog roles effectively. This grant will enable the network to work with African tax administrations to close tax loopholes, train watchdog groups on tax justice, and advocate for progressive and pro-poor tax policies. The network will also strengthen the capacity of national tax justice coalitions and enlist the support of media and trade unions to promote responsible tax practices in the region. (Strategy: Transparency, Participation, and Accountability)
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Jaflo Brookside, House no. 3
106 Brookside Drive, Nairobi, Kenya
Grants to this Grantee
for support of Nawi’s thinking hub on social reproduction and care economies in Africa
Nawi – Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective and the Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) are co-creating a thinking hub to develop an African feminist theory and narrative of the care economy. The knowledge produced through the hub will contribute to broader decolonized theorizations on social reproduction from an African and Global South vantage point. This grant to Tax Justice Network Africa, which serves as the fiscal host for Nawi, will establish the thinking hub and enable Nawi and MISR to invest in institutional strengthening. (Strategy: International Women's Economic Empowerment)
for support of TJNA’s executive transition, institutional strengthening, and sustainability plans
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a growing regional network of 44 civil society organizations including think tanks; trade unions; feminists; and youth-led, faith-based, and community-based organizations spread across 25 African countries. TJNA advocates for pro-poor tax policies and strengthening tax systems to promote domestic resource mobilization by challenging harmful investment practices, improving international tax transparency, and restoring the sovereignty of natural resources back to African countries. This organizational effectiveness grant will support TJNA to ensure enhanced organizational sustainability and a successful leadership transition. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment).
for general operating support
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a regional growing network of 44 civil society organizations (CSOs) spread across 25 African countries. It is composed of think tanks, feminist groups, youth-led organizations, and community-based organizations, among other types of CSOs. TJNA envisions a just, prospering, self-reliant, and integrated Africa sustainably harnessing its resources to enable its people to lead a dignified life. The network advocates for pro-poor tax policies and strengthening tax systems to promote domestic resource mobilization by challenging harmful investment practices, improving international tax transparency, and restoring the sovereignty of natural resources back to African countries. TJNA’s 2021-25 strategic vision is to mobilize African citizens and challenge public institutions to influence and change policy to enable tax justice to prevail on the continent. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)