Sex og Samfund

For A Project To Support Advocacy For The Sustainable Development Process

With these grant funds, Sex og Samfund (Danish Family Planning Association) would work to ensure the integration of sexual and reproductive health and rights within the post-2015 development goals. Sex og Samfund plans to collaborate with partners in the Population and Sustainable Development Alliance, a group dedicated to linking issues of reproductive health, population, and sustainable development, in order to influence the Sustainable Development Goals framework.
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Rosenorns Alle 14, 1., Copenhagen, 1634, Denmark
Grants to this Grantee
for advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights  
Sex og Samfund is a longstanding proponent of quality sex education for all in Denmark and globally with a focus on promotion of family planning; sexual well-being; reproductive health; and sexual knowledge as an integral part of personal and social life and as a human right. Sex og Samfund is recognized by the Danish government as a partner in issues related to sexual and reproductive rights, nationally and internationally. With this support Sex og Samfund will continue to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights by working with Danish officials on keeping sexual and reproductive health and rights as a key priority in Danish official development assistance, both politically and financially; strengthening and sustaining Danish sexual and reproductive health and rights commitment; and strengthening advocacy partnerships with Sex og Samfund partners in Africa and Asia.
for policy dialogue to integrate population issues into the Rio+20 outcome documents  
Foreningen Sex and Samfund, is a longstanding proponent of quality sex education for all in Denmark and globally with a focus on 1) promotion of family planning; 2) sexual well-being; 3) reproductive health; and 4) sexual knowledge as an integral part of personal and social life and as a human right. Sex and Samfund is recognized by the Danish government as a partner in issues related to sexual and reproductive rights, nationally and internationally. These funds will enable Sex and Samfund to integrate population issues into the outcome documents at the Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012 which will offer a crucial opportunity to advance population and sexual and reproductive health issues. Denmark is uniquely positioned for participation in the Rio +20 policy dialogue because Denmark holds the Presidency of the European Union through June 2012. Sex and Samfund is the International Planned Parenthood Member Association in Denmark.

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