Save the Children

For Save The Children's Work To Help Lead The Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network

Building on investments in aid reform work over the past six years, this grant will support Save the Children’s elevation of its leadership role in the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), including the agreement of CEO and President Carolyn Miles to serve as an MFAN co-chair. The grant will further strengthen Save’s advocacy and research capacity in two areas: foreign aid reforms that advance transparency and accountability, and the implementation of U.S. government policies that strengthen local institutions and local ownership in developing countries.
About the Grantee
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400, Fairfield, CT, 06825, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for research and advocacy to promote improvements to U.S. development assistance  
In the coming year, several critical policy reforms introduced in 2010 will be implemented. These include the Presidential Policy Directive on U.S. development policy, the Quadrennial Development and Diplomacy Review, as well as the President's new Feed the Future and Global Health Initiatives. Building on Save the Children’s aid reform work over the past three years, which has been supported by Hewlett, this program aims to accelerate momentum for the implementation of key reforms that will improve the impact of US government development programs on sustainable development and poverty reduction at the country level. Save the Children will work closely with NGO, think tank, and Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) colleagues to promote the following desired outcomes: 1) The Executive branch implements its articulated vision for sustainable, country-owned development in a sound and consistent manner; 2) A supportive community of Congressional stakeholders is established to enable the institutionalization of reforms beyond a single administration; 3) The nongovernmental (NGO) community – particularly the health and education sectors – demonstrates increasing support for aid effectiveness principles (e.g. country ownership) and for the sorts of reforms needed to achieve those principles. (Renewal, $250,000/12)
for support of a community-based project to access injectable contraceptives in Guinea  
Save the Children (Westport, CT) - Project; New; $210,000 over 1 year, 6 months; 73% of project budget For support of a community-based project to access injectables contraceptives in Guinea
for citizen-led assessments and advocacy in conflict-affected and fragile states  
Save the Children United States promotes the well-being of young children and their families around the world, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. This grant will enable the organization to adapt and test the use of citizen-led learning assessments in difficult settings where good data on educational outcomes is currently lacking. With this grant, Save the Children will design an approach for young people whose education has been disrupted by conflict, displacement, or their status as refugees, to measure and raise awareness about the gaps in learning that they and other children experience. Save the Children will document this experience to promote and possibly replicate the use of citizen-generated data to track progress and hold host governments, international organizations such as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, and donor agencies responsible for service delivery in emergencies accountable for commitments made under the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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