Physicians for Reproductive Health
For Fundraising Planning And Membership Development
Date Awarded7/23/2018
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This organizational effectiveness grant will support Physicians to update its member and donor engagement efforts by expanding its social media presence and launching new, proactive campaigns. Physicians will engage a consultant to evaluate current fundraising practices and opportunities, create a plan for growth, draft a case for support, and finally conduct prospect research. It will use performance metrics, messaging opportunities, the value of membership, and how membership offerings fit into the overall development strategy in order to reconfigure its membership program.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1430 Broadway, Suite 1614, New York, NY, 10018-3803, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Physicians for Reproductive Health organizes, mobilizes, and amplifies the voices of medical providers to advance sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice. It combines education, advocacy, and strategic communications to ensure access to abortion care and equitable, comprehensive health care. The organization believes this work is necessary for all people to live freely, with dignity, safety, and security. It envisions a just and equitable world where all people are free to make their own decisions about their bodies, families, and futures. (Strategy: U.S. Reproductive Equity)
for improving PRH’s organizational structure and compensation policy
This grant will support Physicians for Reproductive Health’s rework of its organizational structure, individual job roles, compensation policy and, will also address their commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.
for general operating support
Physicians for Reproductive Health is the nation’s only doctor-led advocacy organization focused on reproductive health and rights. Physicians for Reproductive Health supports its members to add their distinctive voices and medical expertise to shape public opinion and policy deliberations through trainings, media engagement, network building, and navigating the process of integrating comprehensive reproductive health into mainstream American medicine. (Strategy: U.S. Reproductive Equity)