For A Mathematics Professional Development Plan In San Jose And Oakland Schools
Date Awarded11/15/2011
Term6.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Buck Institute for Education proposes to engage the Oakland Unified and San Jose Unified school districts in a two-phase Need Sensing and Planning Process aimed at creating a deeper learning professional development program for mathematics teachers. This Bay Area grant would explore the feasibility of a blended online/offline, OER-supported approach to teaching math that emphasizes deeper learning.
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Grants to this Grantee
for designing a performance assessment system and content platform for OER PBL curricular units
PBLWorks builds capacity among teachers, school leaders, and school system leaders to design, implement, and facilitate project-based learning (PBL), an instructional approach in which students work collaboratively to investigate rigorous, authentic, and complex challenges aligned to grade level and subject area standards. To achieve this, PBLWorks is designing and delivering Open Educational Resource (OER) PBL units, paired with professional development and enabled by an online platform. This grant supports strategic planning and the generation of an aligned performance assessment system for these PBL units. (Substrategy: Content Tools and Services)