For Support Of PATH’s Francophone African Forum Focusing On Contraceptive Security
Date Awarded8/26/2012
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition is an initiative of PATH that ensures that people in low– and middle–income countries can access and use affordable, high-quality supplies to ensure better reproductive health. The Coalition is comprised of more than 180 agencies that offer a neutral platform to join forces, collaborate on common areas of interest, and advance the issue. This grant will supply funds to the Coalition to support its Francophone African forum known as La Sécurité Contraceptive en Afrique Francophone.
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Grants to this Grantee
for ECDAN's planning grant for a child care fund
This grant is to PATH as the fiscal sponsor for the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN). PATH is a global nonprofit dedicated to achieving health equity that develops and scales up innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing health challenges. ECDAN’s mission is to advocate for prioritizing and investing in essential, high-quality early childhood development services; facilitate knowledge exchange and learning; and connect and align global and regional partners and networks across sectors to drive collective action at scale so that all young children can realize their full potential. This planning grant will support ECDAN to develop a fund for child care to facilitate country-level partners in coordinating advocacy activities between gender equality, labor, and early childhood development stakeholders. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)