Pacoima Beautiful
For Reduction Of Auto Emissions From Older Vehicles
Date Awarded2/27/2006
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general support of the Community Inspector Program
Committed to grassroots activism, Pacoima Beautiful advances environmental justice and education in the northeast San Fernando Valley through policy advocacy and leadership training to address pollutants and environmental toxins in the community. This grant would support the Community Inspection Program, which works to identify area polluters and fight diesel pollution from truck traffic-the biggest contributor to unhealthy air in Southern California. Air pollution in Pacoima is among the worst in the nation. We are tying off this grant due to budget constraints. Pacoima Beatiful's work, while strong, is not as aligned with our western strategy as other grants in the portfolio.