National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
For Support Of The Teaching & Learning 2014 Conference
Date Awarded2/28/2014
Term4.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The National Board is a nonpartisan organization that, among other things, develops and maintains advanced standards for educators.This proposal is to support a professional development conference to assemble education stakeholders across the nation to focus on decisions that will shape the future of the teaching profession and the way children learn. This first Teaching & Learning 2014 conference, the successor of the Celebration of Teaching & Learning conferences sponsored by WNET Public Television, is planning a two-day conference that would cover issues such as the Common Core State Standards, equity, reading, global awareness, leadership and innovation, STEM, international comparisons, the arts, legislation and policy, statewide initiatives, early childhood education, pre-service and new teachers, research in education, and technology.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ mission is to advance the quality of teaching and learning through a voluntary advanced certification process that acknowledges accomplished teaching practice within the teaching profession and larger education community. The board is focused on embedding its five core propositions and content-specific standards into the fabric of the teaching profession through the certification process and mobilizing teachers to elevate the profession. This is a general operating support grant. (Substrategy: Educator Capacity)
for the growth and retention of National Board Certified Teachers
The mission of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is to advance the quality of teaching and learning through a voluntary advanced certification process that acknowledges accomplished teaching practice within the teaching profession and larger education community. The board is focused on embedding its five core propositions and content-specific standards into the fabric of the teaching profession through the certification process and mobilizing teachers to elevate the profession. This grant will support the recruitment and retention of minority teachers in Mississippi and increase the number of Board Certified teachers in Mississippi.
for a study of the intersection of deeper learning and teacher certificate standards of practice
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) was created in 1987 to develop standards of accomplished practice for pre K-12 educators and a process that reliably assesses when a teacher has met those standards. With Hewlett Foundation support, NBPTS will compare its standards with deeper learning competencies to determine whether NBPTS’s teacher support materials could be a conduit for moving knowledge of the competencies into the teaching workforce in a systemic and sustainable way.