National Association of State Boards of Education
For Support Of Organizational Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Capacity To Advance Educational Equity
Date Awarded11/20/2018
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for a high school transformation learning network
The mission of the National Association of State Boards of Education is to develop, support, and empower citizen leaders on state boards of education to strengthen public education systems so students of all backgrounds and circumstances are prepared to succeed in school, work, and life. The association facilitates the exchange of informed ideas and supports members in advancing equity and excellence in public education for students of all races, genders, and circumstances. This grant will support a network of states that will examine their education policies and practices and develop a shared understanding of evidence and best practices that enable high school experiences where content mastery and career skills are the primary focus. (Substrategy: District Deep Dives and Networks)
for outreach to state boards of education in support of deeper learning
State and territorial boards of education play important governance and leadership roles on a wide range of policy issues essential to advancing deeper learning. The National Association of State Boards of Education represents these bodies, strengthening states’ leadership in educational policymaking, advocating for all students’ equal access to quality education, and assuring citizens’ continued support for public education. For selected board members, the association will mount activities to increase awareness of deeper learning’s importance and definition, dispel erroneous assumptions about the nature of learning that often exclude deeper learning from their thinking, and build their expertise in developing reform policies related to deeper learning.
for evidence-based policy making
The National Association of State Boards of Education is the membership organization representing the nation’s State Boards of Education. A non-profit organization founded in 1958, NASBE works to strengthen state leadership in educational policymaking, promote excellence in the education of all students, advocate equality of access to educational opportunity, and assure continued citizen support for public education. The goals of the grant are to support a design phase for a planned national center for evidence-based state policy-making. In particular, NASBE will use funds from the Program, along with support from the W.T. Grant and Spencer Foundations, to develop a conceptual framework and a business plan for the proposed center. It is anticipated that this planning grant will enable NASBE to fundraise for the establishment of the center in 2013.