Learning Forward
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded11/9/2016
Term36.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
The National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future develops visions for teaching practice and policy; advocates for quality teaching through work with national, state, and local education agencies that develop prototypes for improved teacher preparation and organization; and conducts outreach to those who influence education legislation and policy. Through past research, the commission has identified ways to encourage teaching that cultivates deeper student learning; now it will develop a multistate network to implement these conditions and systems. This work will advance the Education Program’s goals to support best instructional policies and practices.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
800 East Campbell Road
#224, Richardson, TX, 75081, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for updating teaching professional development standards
Learning Forward is a nonprofit association dedicated to advancing professional learning in order to improve educator practice and student achievement. The organization will update and enhance the widely adopted Standards for Professional Learning that guide the field by incorporating new research and policy as well as input from educators, system leaders, policymakers, and researchers. Leaning Forward will then develop and disseminate these field-vetted standards and implementation tools, along with related resources, which will contribute to the transformation of U.S. education systems.
for support of organizational diversity, equity and inclusion capacity to advance educational equity
Learning Forward is a national association that builds education leaders’ capacity to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning for their organizations. This organizational effectiveness grant supports their internal work to deepen awareness, knowledge, skill, and capacity about educational equity. Helping our grantees become more aware, prepared and competent around internal issues of equity will ensure that their field-focused work - and the field of education more broadly - reflects the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
for support to develop solutions for improving professional learning systems
Learning Forward is a national association that builds education leaders’ capacity to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning for their organizations. This grant will fund the What Matters Now Network, which convenes state, district, and school leaders so they can develop solutions for improving professional learning systems. The network expects to facilitate and study practitioner-driven policy changes that will increase support for educators and outcomes for underserved students.