International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region
For The Africa Regional Office Performance-based Funding Position
Date Awarded11/12/2013
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Africa Regional Office of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF ARO) provides technical and financial support to the Federation’s forty-seven Member Associations in sub-Saharan Africa. In service of the Federation’s goal to improve performance, this grant would support continuing efforts to develop the capacity of IPPF ARO’s Member Associations to improve quality and performance. Under previous grants, IPPF trained multiple Member Associations in sub-Saharan Africa to use a "branch performance tool"—an analytic tool that provides clinic managers and executive staff information previously unavailable about how to improve performance in individual clinic branches. Work under this grant would support program costs for several country-based refresher training sessions on the branch performance tool with two Francophone and two Anglophone Member Associations, as well as peer-to-peer technical support among select Member Associations in the region.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of IPPF ARO’s abortion work in Francophone West Africa
This grant to the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s Africa Regional Office will support a project to increase access to equitable and sustainable abortion care in three Francophone West African countries: Niger, Togo, and Cameroon. IPPF Member Associations, which represent leading national sexual and reproductive health service delivery organizations in each country, will receive a sub-grant as well as technical support to develop their own gender- transformative abortion projects, encompassing improvements in clinical services, advances in their social and policy change capacities, and institutional strengthening. Technical support will come from IPPF’s global abortion strategy and tools, from the staff at the global and regional secretariats and also from the Burkina Faso Member Association, which have more advanced technical capacity in abortion work among their peers in the region. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)
for advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights
The International Planned Parenthood Federation’s Africa Regional Office (IPPF ARO) is based in Nairobi, Kenya, and provides funding and technical support to Federation member associations in forty-two countries. This support would allow IPPF ARO to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights remain a priority in Africa’s development agenda beyond 2015, after the Millennium Development Goals and Maputo Plan of Action come to an end. The IPPF ARO team plans to engage African Union Commission leadership and government and civil society decision makers in several different countries in policy dialogue, with a related objective of building the advocacy capacity of the African member associations that IPPF ARO supports.